Flow Measurement and Analysis of Biogas

Biogas are called all gases, are formed by microbial degradation of organic substances under anoxic conditions (in an oxygen-free environment). These include beside digester gas and gases from landfills also the classical green gas, formed by fermentation of biological waste, food leftovers, farm manures, plant remains and energy crops (renewable raw materials).

Biogas can be used energetically either for heat production and/or energy production. All kind of biogases improve the ecobalance and have a significant share of total generation of electric energy.

Improvement of biogas formation is possible only, if data from process and produced amount of biogas are in all times available. Therefore a precise and reliable measurement of biogas flow rate and composition of the gas is recommended to use to monitor the process (analysis). Problems in the process can be recognized and measures can be taken early.

However, particularly challenges are posed to the sensor and long-term stability, because biogas is a humid and corrosive gas, gas composition is not fixed, different raw materials and process conditions leed to a different biogas composition.

Batch process related fluctuations (solid waste treatment / composting plant) or increasing age of landfills leed to another challenge: accuracy of flow reading can become worse if methane concentration is changing a lot, flow signal must be compensated accordingly, if accuracy is important for process control.

COMBIMASS® eco-bio+

Biogas flow meter for agricultural anaerobic digestion plants

Precondition for a reliable, precise and reproducable measurement of biogas is the determination of flow rate at standard conditions. All instruments of COMBIMASS® eco-bio+ series use thermal dispersion technology and determine the volumetric flow rate at standard pressure and standard temperature directly. Waterdamp portion must be compensated only, to measure flow rate at standard conditions according to DIN 1343.


Portable Gas Analyzer for biogas, digester gas and gas from landfills

The new series of extremely robust, low maintenance and efficient portable measuring instruments COMBIMASS® GA-m series represents a mile­stone in the development of mobile gas analy­sers. All common require­ments are optimally fulfilled in the analysis of fermentation gas, sewage gas and dump gas from landfills.

COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid eco

Standardized low-cost modular biogas analyzer station

The standardized low-cost modular analyzer station COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid eco contains of a ventilated cabinet made of plastic, for the analysis of biogas in fixed time cycles, for indoor installation, with limited No. of gas cells and max. 1-2 gas streams only.

COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid premium

Flexible modular analyzer station

The design of the analyzer station GA-s hybrid premium is completely modular. All pumps and valves are mounted on small top-hat rail-plates for easy service and replacement. The gas cells and its required electronics are mounted in modules for top-hat rail assembly inside the cabinet. All spares and wearing parts can be replaced by the operator without any limitation in warranty.