BETA Temperature Switches
The BETA temperature switch is based on the approved pressure switch with an integrated 2-phase- (gas/liquid) temperature sensor. If process temperature increases, also the vapor pressure of the liquid increases. If pressure exceeds the defined response pressure value then the micro switch will be activated.

BETAMINI for OEM-customers
Over 35 years, BETA designed and produced the best pressure and temperature switches for our customers. This has given us valuable and detailed experience of industrial needs. It resulted in a high quality OEM instrument: the »BETAMINI«! The growing demand for high quality, reliable products has increased the need for better components.

CAMASS® calibration lab
When using technologically sophisticated systems to measure and conrol gas flow as well as aeration air, calibration becomes the decisive factor for success. In order to ensure optimum measuring and control accuracy, each VACOMASS® and COMBIMASS® flow meter is precisely calibrated in the CAMASS® Calibration Centre under real operating conditions.

The field transmitters COMBIMASS® AL100/ SS100 are suitable for flow rate measurement of compressed air and technical gases at medium temperatures up to 130°C. The flow transmitters apply thermal dispersion technology in order to measure directly in dry gases the normal volumentric or gas mass flow, regardless of the operating pressure and temperature of the medium (DIN1343).
Additional signal inputs and outputs can be used for simultaneous correction of signals, if flow profile or gas composition change during operation. COMBIMASS® convert transmits all data to the main PLC using all common types of communication.

The field transmitters of the COMBIMASS® series are suitable for flow rate measurement of compressed air and technical gases at medium temperatures up to 130°C. The flow transmitters apply thermal dispersion technology in order to measure in dry gases directly the normal volumentric or gas mass flow, regardless of the operating pressure and temperature of the medium.
COMBIMASS(R) convert transmits all data to the main PLC using all common types of communication.

The field transmitters of the COMBIMASS® eco series are suitable for gas flow measurement and cover a wide range of different applications. The flow transmitters apply thermal dispersion technology in order to measure directly in dry gases the standard volumetric or gas mass flow according to DIN1343, regardless of the operating pressure and temperature of the medium.
The instruments can be employed for process temperatures up to 220°C and are available in explosion proof versions.
COMBIMASS(R) convert transmits all data to the main PLC using all common types of communication.
Inline measuring systems enable accurate measurements even in very small pipelines and at high pressures. A special version is the COMBIMASS® eco hydrogen, which with its FC6 technology enables accurate and reliable measurements even in pure hydrogen.

COMBIMASS® eco-bio+
Precondition for a reliable, precise and reproducable measurement of biogas is the determination of flow rate at standard conditions. All instruments of COMBIMASS® eco-bio+ series use thermal dispersion technology and determine the volumetric flow rate at standard pressure and standard temperature directly. Waterdamp portion must be compensated only, to measure flow rate at standard conditions according to DIN 1343.

COMBIMASS® flow conditioner
To achieve the desired accuracies using COMBIMASS® thermal gas flowmeter, a minimum inlet and outlet straight pipe runs must be considered when installing according to DIN ISO 5167-1 as a result of the actual piping, flow profile irregularities and the necessary calming distances.
If no sufficient calming distances are available, the desired measuring accuracy can possibly be achieved with a special calibration of the mass flowmeter by simulating the actual site conditions in our CAMASS® Calibration Lab with the same field operating process conditions under real load conditions and even the same piping layout.

The new series of extremely robust, low maintenance and efficient portable measuring instruments COMBIMASS® GA-m series represents a milestone in the development of mobile gas analysers. All common requirements are optimally fulfilled in the analysis of fermentation gas, sewage gas and dump gas from landfills.

COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid eco air monitoring
The basic, modular COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid eco air monitoring analyzer station consists of a cabinet for analysis of the supporting air from 1 or 2 fermenters. It is a station for indoor installation with a fixed measuring programme.
Data and alarm transmission as well as a warning light complete the station for a safe operation

COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid premium
The design of the analyzer station GA-s hybrid premium is completely modular. All pumps and valves are mounted on small top-hat rail-plates for easy service and replacement. The gas cells and its required electronics are mounted in modules for top-hat rail assembly inside the cabinet. All spares and wearing parts can be replaced by the operator without any limitation in warranty.

COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid premium air monitoring
The COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid premium air monitoring analyzer station consists of a ventilated cabinet for the cyclic analysis of the air of 1 up to 4 fermenters for indoor installation with an integrated display and flexible measuring program. The gas modules have an integrated maintenance diagnosis whereby the wear is signaled by the traffic light colours.
Transmission of data and alarms is possible via various bus systems. Additionally, the warning lamp rounds off the station for a simple and safe operation.

A COMBIMASS® multipoint system allows precise measurements of flow rate of pressurized air and technical gases even with short inlet and outlet pipe sections, nominal diameters larger than DN 500 or rectangular ducts. In such situations flow profile distortions may occur, which normally lead to errors in flow metering of gases.

The COMBIMASS® syngas measuring system is a device combination in intermediate flange design and consists of two sensors: a heat conductivity sensor in the steady flow zone and a thermal sensor in the gas flow. The heat conductivity sensor determines the changing H2 concentration in the gas approximately and corrects the measurement signal of the thermal sensor accordingly.

Druckregler für Flüssigkeiten
Unsere Druckregler für Flüssigkeiten zeichnen sich besonders dadurch aus, dass sie applikationsspezifische Anforderungen hinsichtlich zulässigem Druckabfall, Korrosionsbeständigkeit, hoher Regelgüte bei kompakter Baugröße und Vordruckunabhängigkeit besonders gut erfüllen.

Druckregler für Kryo-Anwendungen
Unsere Druckregler für Kryo-Anwendungen zeichnen sich besonders dadurch aus, dass sie applikationsspezifische Anforderungen hinsichtlich Temperaturbeständigkeit und hoher Regelgüte bei kompakter Baugröße besonders gut erfüllen.
Alle Produkte entsprechen den üblichen europäischen Normen wie z.B. Druckgeräterichtlinie.

Druckregler für Sterilanwendungen
Unsere Druckregler für Sterilanwendungen zeichnen sich besonders dadurch aus, dass sie applikationsspezifische Anforderungen hinsichtlich speziellen konstruktiven Ausführungen bzgl. totraumarm und leerlaufend sowie Korrosionsbeständigkeit und hohen Durchsätzen besonders gut erfüllen.

FAIRCHILD Wandler sind präzise, kompakt, leicht und schnell reagierend. Einige Modelle verfügen über einen analogen Eingang als Rückmeldung zum Aufbau eines internen PID-Regelkreises. Viele Modelle sind wettergeschützt und für explosionsgefährdete Bereiche als druckgekapselte oder eigensichere Version zugelassen. Verschiedene Ein- und Ausgangssignale ermöglichen die Anpassung an nahezu jede Anwendung.

FAIRCHILD Präzisionsdruckregler
Die FAIRCHILD Präzisionsdruckregler sind federbelastete, mit einer Steuermembrane versehene, Proportionalregler. Dabei ergibt sich die erforderliche Verstellkraft des Ventils aus der Differenz zwischen Federkraft und der, auf der Unterseite der Membrane wirkenden, durch den Steuerdruck produzierten Gegenkraft.

Pneumatische Druckregler
Unsere pneumatischen Präzisionsdruckregler zeichnen sich besonders dadurch aus, dass sie applikationsspezifische Anforderungen hinsichtlich zulässiger hoher Regelgüte bei kompakter Baugröße, Vibrationsfestigkeit, Langlebigkeit und Vordruckunabhängigkeit besonders gut erfüllen.

Pneumatische Präzisionsüberströmer
Die FAIRCHILD Präzisionsüberströmer sind federbelastete, mit einer Steuermembrane versehene, Proportionalregler. Dabei ergibt sich die erforderliche Verstellkraft des Ventils aus der Differenz zwischen Federkraft und der, auf der Unterseite der Membrane wirkenden, durch den Steuerdruck produzierten Gegenkraft.

Pneumatische Volumenverstärker
Die FAIRCHILD Verstärkerrelais erzeugen einen dem Signaldruck proportionalen Ausgangsdruck mit großem Volumen. Der Signaldruck übernimmt dabei die Funktion der Feder eines Druckreglers. Der Überdruck auf der Ausgangsseite wird durch Ausblaseöffnungen im Trennring zwischen den beiden Membranen abgeführt.

Safe Sterlisation Instrum® Stainless Steel Pressure Regulator
Precision pressure regulators for corrosive media are mainly used where fluctuating pressures need to be equalized. A diaphragm is used to measure the pressure and compare it with the set point. The resulting forces are used to continuously and automatically readjust the seat of the valve.

System for Sterile Applications
When blanketing in sterile areas further design features are required in addition to the high, electropolished surface quality and the materials required especially for the food and pharmaceutical industries. INSTRUM® stainless steel pressure regulators offer GMP-compliant design to minimize or eliminate germinated zones.

Tank Blanketing system
One understands the combinations of valves under the Tank blanketing system, which are used especially for langer tanks and tank storage to protect against unacceptable pressure and vacumm situations and also inertiate if necessary.The structural protection against impermissible overpressure or vacuum in these cases usually implemented with weight-loaded valve systems, s.a. Overpressure and Vacuum protection.

Überdruck- und Unterdruckabsicherung
Bei den Überdruck- und Unterdruckabsicherungen handelt es sich um Armaturen, die in Druckbereichen kleiner 500mbar eingesetzt werden. In diesem Druckbereich werden keine klassischen Sicherheitsventile eingesetzt, weil zum einen die Vorschriften für diese Sicherheitsventile nicht gelten und zum anderen eine differente Arbeitsweise notwendig und keine Vollhubcharakteristik gewünscht ist.

VACOMASS® elliptic diaphragm control valve
The VACOMASS® elliptic diaphragm control valve is a technically optimized control valve, especially developed for aeration air, closing gas-tight with a lenticular control aperture. Low pressure drop in the whole control range and high flow rate capacity for flexing and cleaning the diffuser with very low pressure drop are two of the main features (design according to DIN EN 60534-2-3).

VACOMASS® flexcontrol
The special feature of VACOMASS® flexcontrol is the complete flexibility and intuitive operation of the open system, which allows easy adjustment to the plant requirements – not a “black box” that spreads uncertainty, but modular with standardized building blocks and based on control algorithms that have been successfully used worldwide for many years, simple and clear for every control loop.

VACOMASS® jet control valve
The VACOMASS® jet control valve is an innovative, flow-optimized stainless steel control valve. In terms of control range and product quality, this development represents a milestone in the evolution of air control valves and fittings. It is unique and with worldwide patent applications. It fulfills all requirements defines in the Advisory Leaflet DWA-M 229-1 (September 2017) and the new “Handbook of Energy North Rhine-Westphalia” (January 2018).

VACOMASS® square diaphragm control valve
The VACOMASS® square diaphragm control valve is a technically optimized sliding gate control valve with a falling flow axis and gas-tight shut-off using a square shaped control aperture. It is used for precise and low-loss control of airflow and distribution in the aeration tanks of a wastewater treatment plant (design according to DIN EN 60534-2-3).