VACOMASS® measurement & aeration control system
The modular design of the VACOMASS® measuring and control system operates on the building block principle. It can be used as a single component or a complete system in sewage treatment plants.
In the simplest case, there is only an air flow meter or a control valve being used. The system can be one single local control loop for oxygen supply only, or alternatively a complex system of 20 or more control loops including advice of required header pressure setpoint, flow simulation using CFD Tools to optimize the measuring and control pipe section and many further functions for improved nitrogen removal and diffuser maintenance.
The precise calibration of the flow meter and system integration of the air control & distribution system in our CAMASS® Calibration Lab ensures always an optimum interaction of all components and thus highest control precision and best process performance at lowest possible costs.

VACOMASS® flexcontrol
Field housing with modular electronic modules for control of air supply and air distribution
The special feature of VACOMASS® flexcontrol is the complete flexibility and intuitive operation of the open system, which allows easy adjustment to the plant requirements - not a "black box" that spreads uncertainty, but modular with standardized building blocks and based on control algorithms that have been successfully used worldwide for many years, simple and clear for every control loop.

VACOMASS® jet control valve
Unique control valve - best in performance
The VACOMASS® jet control valve is an innovative, flow-optimized stainless steel control valve. In terms of control range and product quality, this development represents a milestone in the evolution of air control valves and fittings. It is unique and with worldwide patent applications. It fulfills all requirements defines in the Advisory Leaflet DWA-M 229-1 (September 2017) and the new "Handbook of Energy North Rhine-Westphalia" (January 2018).

VACOMASS® elliptic diaphragm control valve
Control valve with lenticular shaped orifice
The VACOMASS® elliptic diaphragm control valve is a technically optimized control valve, especially developed for aeration air, closing gas-tight with a lenticular control aperture. Low pressure drop in the whole control range and high flow rate capacity for flexing and cleaning the diffuser with very low pressure drop are two of the main features (design according to DIN EN 60534-2-3).

VACOMASS® square diaphragm control valve
Control valve with square shaped orifice
The VACOMASS® square diaphragm control valve is a technically optimized sliding gate control valve with a falling flow axis and gas-tight shut-off using a square shaped control aperture. It is used for precise and low-loss control of airflow and distribution in the aeration tanks of a wastewater treatment plant (design according to DIN EN 60534-2-3).
Gasdurchflussmessung unter realen Betriebsbedingungen simuliert
CAMASS® Kalibiertechnikum

Beim Einsatz technologisch hochentwickelter Systeme zur Messung und Regelung von Gasen wird die Kalibrierung zum entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktor. Um höchste Mess- und Regelgenauigkeit sicherzustellen, wird jedes COMBIMASS® Gasdurchflussmessgerät, jedes COMBIMASS® Gasanalyse- und VACOMASS® Luftverteilsystem im CAMASS® Kalibriertechnikum unter realen Betriebsbedingungen exakt kalibriert.