Portable Gas Analyzer for biogas, digester gas and gas from landfills

The new series of extremely robust, low maintenance and efficient portable measuring instruments COMBIMASS® GA-m series represents a mile­stone in the development of mobile gas analy­sers. All common require­ments are optimally fulfilled in the analysis of fermentation gas, sewage gas and dump gas from landfills.

  • up to 7 gas analysis channels in a portable instrument
  • optical infra-red analysis with temperature compensation
  • powerful internal sampling gas pump
  • user replaceable sample micro-filter
  • up to 4 electro-chemical sensors plug-in expandable, integrated cross-sensitivity compensation
  • storage of data (with reference to the sampling point), read out data via USB
  • integrated maintenance diagnosis system
  • with ATEX-certificate II 3G Ex ic IIB T4


The new series of extremely robust, low maintenance and efficient portable measuring instruments COMBIMASS® GA-m series represents a mile­stone in the development of mobile gas analy­sers. All common require­ments are optimally fulfilled in the analysis of fermentation gas, sewage gas and dump gas from landfills.

Due to it’s easy to service structure, and with modules plug-in, the systems can be extended at and upgraded to the latest version at any time. The powerful internal gas pump also makes measurements in gases with negative pressure possible. The gas cells can be supplied with different measuring ranges.

The data can be stored, measuring sampling point-referred and can be read out to the PC. The internal data logger is very efficient.

Servicing contracts with supply of spare devices ensure availability throughout the whole year.

  • Gases that contain methane from anaerobic digestion plants (agricultural, manure etc., liquid as well as solid waste fermentation), mechanical biological waste treatment plants
  • Sewage gas from digester at wastewater treatment plants and co-digestion plants
  • Landfill gas

COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid premium

The design of the analyzer station GA-s hybrid premium is completely modular. All pumps and valves are mounted on small top-hat rail-plates for easy service and replacement. The gas cells and its required electronics are mounted in modules for top-hat rail assembly inside the cabinet. All spares and wearing parts can be replaced by the operator without any limitation in warranty.

COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid eco

The standardized low-cost modular analyzer station COMBIMASS® GA-s hybrid eco contains of a ventilated cabinet made of plastic, for the analysis of biogas in fixed time cycles, for indoor installation, with limited No. of gas cells and max. 1-2 gas streams only.

COMBIMASS® eco-bio+

Precondition for a reliable, precise and reproducable measurement of biogas is the determination of flow rate at standard conditions. All instruments of COMBIMASS® eco-bio+ series use thermal dispersion technology and determine the volumetric flow rate at standard pressure and standard temperature directly. Waterdamp portion must be compensated only, to measure flow rate at standard conditions according to DIN 1343.


The COMBIMASS® eco is a thermal gas flow meter with a customized calibration range for sewage and landfill gas. It measures in dry gases the gas flow rate directly at standard pressure and temperature according to DIN 1343 and can be used both of gas production and consumers.

COMBIMASS® OEIN – hot tapping unit

Using the COMBIMASS® hot tapping unit, the flowmeter can be removed gastight during operation for check and maintenance. It is available in three different sizes for sensors 12, 18 and 25 mm.

Service & Support

For more information, please contact us:
Falls Sie Fragen zum Produkt haben, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns:

Binder Engineering GmbH

Tel +49 731 96826-0

Product Areas

COMBIMASS® gas analysis